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Writer: John StevensJohn Stevens

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

No two people are the same, so why settle for training that's "one size fits all"?

In 2008, when I was a newly minted certified kettlebell instructor, I taught with great enthusiasm and taught everyone exactly the way I was taught. I had a powerful tool capable of changing lives and I treated that tool like a hammer and every student of mine was a nail.

This approach worked. Until it didn’t. When students didn’t respond to my hammering, I had to look in the mirror and figure out how to find new ways to teach people with different backgrounds and abilities.


I’ve personally been that one student in the room who craved to learn differently from those around me. I’ve been that person in the class who got behind, felt lost, frustrated, embarrassed, unsafe, and stressed out because of it all. I was clearly in the wrong class with the wrong teacher.

In order to value the subject matter, and to truly understand it, I needed the message delivered differently and applied in ways that clicked for me personally. I want to be TAUGHT how to correctly perform the basics, then be given the opportunity to drill them to competency. THEN be able to use them to achieve a result, not simply do them for the sake of entertainment.


When it comes to fitness I am not an instructor or cheerleader. I am a teacher and problem solver. It is my duty to learn what each student needs.

Some students learn from primarily watching, others from listening, and others need to feel or experience something the wrong way in order to find a better way. Some will simply follow orders, others need to know why. Some people learn a technique from beginning to end, others need to learn in reverse.

What excites me as a teacher is discovering HOW to communicate the right message to the right person at the right moment.

When you come to my class you get more than a workout, you get a lesson, then a personalized prescription. Everything from the technique taught, to the way they are taught, to the weights used, the amount of repetitions performed, and the rest needed are chosen to suit the individual.

There is no such thing as "one size fits all" when it comes to fitness.

No two humans have the same exact athletic background, health history, injury history, flexibility, coordination, endurance, agility, resiliency, etc.


More often than not, it is the slow learners who learn the best and stick with something long enough to achieve something meaningful. I encourage you to find what fits you and never settle for a coach, teacher or trainer that treats everyone the same. If you're serious about getting results, I'm ready to demonstrate how different your experience can be with a trainer that understands you are one of a kind.



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